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Rules & Regulations

Rules and Regulations

These rules and regulations have been set by KITI management for efficient delivery of services and disciplinary purposes.

All library users are advised to adhere to them.

  •  Silence is a must in the library. Mobile phones must be switched off while in the library or put in silent mode.
  •  Wearing of caps, overcoats/rolls, heavy jackets and similar wear is not allowed.
  • Bags should be left on the shelf at the entrance. The library accepts no liability for loss of personal property left at the entrance.
  • All readers must show on exit all items they are taking out of the library.
  • The security staff reserves the right to inspect books and check bags leaving the library.
  • Marking or defacing of books and periodicals is forbidden.
  • Readers are advised not to return books on the shelves but leave them on the reading carrels.
  •  Smoking, spitting, eating, hawking, sleeping, drinking and littering are prohibited in the library.
  • Library users are free to report any complaints concerning library services to the Librarian.

    NOTE :    Defaulters of these rules will be subjected to disciplinary action which may include termination of membership.