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Leather & Tannery Department

Leather & Tannery Department

About the course

Leather and tannery department was started in 1965 with the aim of training small scale entrepreneurs in skill upgrading and self employment.

It was started with the help of Japanese International Co-operation Agencies (JICA). After some years it started offering long term courses that take two and three years being for artisans and craft courses respectively.

Currently the department trains both short term courses (3months) and long term courses (2 years). Short term courses are examined by National Industrial Training Authority (NITA) (Grade Test III to Grade test I) while long term courses (Artisan /Craft Certificate are examined by Kenya National Examination council). Artisan certificate course takes one year while as Craft certificate course takes two years.

The graduands are absorbed in tanneries, footwear, industries, and leather products firms, Jua Kali sectors, youth polytechnics, rehabilitation centres etc.


Artisan in Leather and Tannery

Entry requirements: KCPE and Above

Duration: 1 year.

Intake: May

Examining Body: KNEC


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Leather goods production level 4

Entry requirements: KCPE and Above

Duration: 1 year.

Intake: May

Examining Body: CBET




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Leather Processing Level 4

Entry requirements: KCPE and Above

Duration: 1 year.

Intake: May

Examining Body: CBET



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Craft Certificate in Leather Work and Tannery

Entry requirements: KSCE Mean Grade D Plain

Duration: 2 years.

Intake: May

Examining Body: KNEC


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Foot wear production level 4

Entry requirements: KCPE and Above

Duration: 1 year.

Intake: May

Examining Body: CBET


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  • Food and Beverage Production and Service
  • Cake making & decoration

Open entry;

  • Standard 8 dropouts.
  • Secondary school dropouts
  • Grade D- and below.


  • Ability to read and write
  • School leavers
  • Women groups
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Farmers
  • Any other

Intake time: Jan/May/Sept

Duration: 1 Term

Examination Body


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Assessment criteria

Through coursework, practical exercises and an end of term and/or national examination administered  by Kenya National Examinations Council (K.N.E.C.) or National Industrial Training Authority (N.I.T.A.).

Additional opportunities when you take our course

We arrange work experience opportunities where possible and link our trainees to employers who make requests on qualified graduates to absorb in their entities; Trainees on field attachment are assessed to check their progress.