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KITI - Departments

Automotive Engineering

 Automotive Engineering Department was started in 1965, among other departments when KITI was established, with the aim of equipping school levers and other small scale entrepreneurs in automotive engineering knowledge, skills and attitudes toward self- upgrading and self-   employment. It has over the years produced qualified artisans and technicians. The department continually endeavors to come up with market driven courses that are aimed at giving its graduate an edge in the ever changing field of automotive industry.

Sectional Objectives

  • To develop necessary Knowledge, skills and attitudes on repair and maintenance of automobiles.
  • To prepare trainees to work in the automotive industry.

Mechanical Engineering

  • To develop necessary skills in repair and maintenance of industrial plants and equipment
  • To train welders and machine operators for self-employment.
  • To give trainees an opportunity to work in wider manufacturing industry

Building and Civil Engineering

Welcome to the KITI Building and Construction Department. This is a Department that is training over one hundred and thirty (130) Technicians and artisans every year since it has attracted many trainees from far and wide to drive the Housing pillar that is the engine of the country’s economy. The construction industry and its sanity depends on the diligence, systematic and consistent skills impacted to the trainees in Building and Construction, Plumbing, Masonry and painting that are relevant in the job market.

Department Objectivees
  • To acquire skills required in problem solving involving design and construction of buildings.
  • To understand the principles of building design.
  • To acquire knowledge required in management of building construction sites.
  • To demonstrate creativity and innovation in the use of ICT in construction industry.
  • Acquire firm foundation for further training in construction industry.

Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Welcome to the KITI Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department. This is a Department that is training Technicians, craftsman and artisans every year. Our programmes have continued to attract nationwide recruitment .We are determined to play a major role in Kenya Kwanza manifesto by boosting the energy sector in the field of Electrification and Solar Energy supplies and also maintenance of the systems. Our capacity to train innovative and creative Technicians for the industries cannot be underrated. We are providing modern skill training that is required on the job market. Appended below are our objectives, programmes and courses offered in this department.

Departmental Objectives

  • To provide knowledge of the fundamental laws of electricity
  • To enhance growth, and performance by 40 per cent over the next two years
  • To train qualified and innovative Electrical and Electronics Technicians who are well prepared for self-employment and for the job market every year.
  • To train solar PV Technicians who are highly qualified, innovative, creative and enterprising every year.
  • To provide tailor made courses in the field of Electrical/Electronics for the semi-skilled Labour force in the market for a maximum period of one year.
  • To train computer maintenance and mobile phone Technicians every year to meet the market requirements

Leather & Tannery

Leather and tannery department was started in 1965 with the aim of training small scale entrepreneurs in skill upgrading and self employment.

It was started with the help of Japanese International Co-operation Agencies (JICA). After some years it started offering long term courses that take two and three years being for artisans and craft courses respectively.

Currently the department trains both short term courses (3months) and long term courses (2 years). Short term courses are examined by National Industrial Training Authority (NITA) (Grade Test III to Grade test I) while long term courses (Artisan /Craft Certificate are examined by Kenya National Examination council). Artisan certificate course takes one year while as Craft certificate course takes two years.

The graduands are absorbed in tanneries, footwear, industries, and leather products firms, Jua Kali sectors, youth polytechnics, rehabilitation centres etc.


  1. To train leather technicians, artisans and entrepreneurs to meet the market demand.
  2. To equip trainees with relevant technical skills, knowledge, attitudes, and values to enable them serve as professional leather technicians, artisans and entrepreneurs.
  3. To promote creativity and innovation in leather technology.

Fashion Design & Clothing Technology

Clothing and Textiles is one of the technical departments in KITI. The department trains in various Textile courses which are designed to prepare trainees for self- employment. The department has a well-equipped workshop with both electrical and manual machines to suit the training needs of our clients. Courses undertaken in the department include Diploma in Fashion Design and Clothing Technology, Craft in Fashion Design and Garment Making, Tailoring and Dressmaking including Embroidery and Tie and Dye.

The department also conducts a course in Hair Dressing and Beauty Therapy which takes one year.

The trainees go for attachment to Textile industries after their first year of learning. They also go for academic tours in the course of their training. The Department has a Production Unit which majors in the making of Dust coats, Overalls and Chef Suits which are sold at quite a fair price to both the students and any other client even from outside the institute.

Departmental Objectives

  • Equip trainees with skills, knowledge and attitudes which are responsive and relevant to the textiles industry.
  • Conducting demand –oriented (tailor-made) short term courses aimed at upgrading product quality, skills and technologies in the textile area.

Food Technology

Food and beverage department has continued to grow as it trains graduates in areas related to quality food production service and presentation. This area include craft certificate course in Food and Beverage Production and Service, diploma in food and beverage management, short course in food and beverage production and service, short course in cake making and decoration and assorted tailor made courses.

It is a fast growing department in terms of student numbers and infrastructure. The department has continued to review existing programs and curriculum and develop new ones in line with new developments arising from the demands of the job market and current trends.

The mandate of the department is to teach and train high caliber professional caterers who can work at different capacities in the hotel industry. Some courses in Food and Beverage are tailor-made to fit students’ career choices and job market demands. Programs currently on offer are jam making, tomato and chili sauce, pastry and confectionery, yoghurt and cake making and also fresh juices making.

Our food labs are well equipped with modern equipment like electric and gas ovens, mixers, fridges and freezes. It also has full sets of cutlery, crockery, flatware and hollow ware. We also have fully equipped restaurants for student practical.

Departmental Objectives

  • To develop skills which will be responsive and relevant to the catering industry?
  • To impart adequate skills this will enable trainees to operate effectively in salaried and/or self-employment.
  • To develop practical skills and attitude this will lead to income generating activities.

Information Communications Technology

The ICT Department was established in 1999, formerly called Computer Department to cater KITI students in the then Business Administration Department who were taking a Diploma course in Business Administration. Due to the need for ICT related training in the Institute, the Department was renamed ICT Department in 2005 and expanded its training scope to offer Certificate Courses, Diploma Courses, Computer Aided Design Courses and Computer Application Courses.

The department also maintains the Local Area Network (LAN). It also supports other departments in the Institute in their communication and ICT integration needs. ICT equipment such as laptops, LCD projectors and digital cameras can be borrowed from the department for use in class by the lecturers.

The department has THREE fully equipped training laboratories each with a Smart board for enhances students learning as a modern tool of training


  • To offer suitable approved and diversified curriculum in accordance to the institute’s guidelines
  • Train end-user on computer literacy and offer end-user computing support.
  • To offer technical advice and consultancy on acquisition of ICT resources.
  • Planning, implementation and development of ICT infrastructure.
  • To provide tailor made courses in the field of ICT.

Background information
This is a department that was started in 1998 with the aim of training and developing managerial and entrepreneurial skills for both school leavers and already established entrepreneurs. It seeks to become a department of excellence in training and developing managerial and entrepreneurial skills.

Its main mission is to provide quality managerial and entrepreneurial investment and employment creation to enable the trainees fit and stay in the market competitively.

Departmental objectives

  • To equip trainees with relevant skills, knowledge, attitudes and values
  • To produce managers and entrepreneurs who can meet the market demand
  • To develop research skills in the area of specialization
  • To enable trainees to serve with professionalism
  • To promote creativity and innovation